Tips for writing a blog post?
Tips for writing a blog post- a Podcast
An Interview with Zoe Bishop a Copywriting Specialist.
Tips for writing a blog post – in this weeks podcast I am chatting with Zoë Bishop who offers Copywriting Support For SMEs, Charities And Not for Profit Organisations.
Blog posts can answer questions to help an audience you would like to be your ideal clients. You can showcase your expertise and explain why do business with you.
Here are some interesting stats about blogs in 2022
- 77% of internet users read blogs
- Source (Source: Daily Infographic)
- 68.5% of people think blogs add credibility to a site.
- Source (Source: Social Marketing Writing)
During our chat Zoe and myself touch upon a number of considerations:
- the importance of having a plan.
- Understanding why you are writing the blog post and what you want to achieve
Here are some Tips:
- Write headlines that will hook your audience.
- Give value – a reason to read your blog.
- Create a teaser to create interest and a reason to read more.
Introduction to your blog.
Let your introduction be unique Give people focus and clarity what they will learn from reading your blog post
Main copy of the blog post
The main copy needs structure – what problem will it solve – what story have you to tell – what solution do you offer. Use formatting make it easy to read and understand and give the reader action steps to do after reading the blog post.
Call to action
What do you want your reader to do – Book an appointment – Visit another blog post you have written?.
Final Statement
Where possible “The Solution” how you can help solve that problem. Can you include any added bonuses, for example an ebook
Proof Reading
Zoe’s Recommendation read you blog post out loud Get other people to review it Use to check spellings and more Check are there any words are difficult to understand
Zoe’s Final Recommendations
Repurpose you blog post , create social posts from it , info graphics , video and so much more Test to see what works best Ask people what you should write about The more you write the more confidence you will build about writing
Zoe Bishop Contact Details
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