Podcast Converting Recommendations to Sales
Converting Recommendations to Sales?
In times past converting recommendations to sales was a little easier than nowadays, because in times past the online aspect to a business was not as critical as today.
Word of Mouth recommendations were always the lifeblood of a business- and indeed they still are, save that an online search aspect creeps into the equation.
Let’s be realistic for a moment- for example, Mary recommends accountant Jim to her friend Jill.
Highly likely Jill will research Jim the accountant thoroughly online also before making that final decision to hire!.
- Does Jim have a website?
- If he has does it look the part?
- Does it clearly set out what he does?
In the Podcast, I consider factors not to ignore so that you are dealing with that offline recommendation online effectively!
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast?
WordPress: A platform that grows and grows and a must for any start-up.
Link: WordPress
Divi WordPress Theme: One of the biggest theme providers out there meaning it is continually updated with lots of help and resources available online.
Link: Elegant Themes
SiteGround Hosting: Remember SiteGround is recommended by WordPress themselves.
Link: SiteGround
Disclosure: some of the links on this site are affiliate links, meaning, at no extra cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
I specialise in helping Businesses who provide services , professionals , freelancers, health , wellness, local and Startups. Designing , Creating and Managing WordPress Sites. Presenting online workshops 1 to 1 training on zoom. Creating digital content blog posts , social video , social graphics and much more. The focus of my business is to help business to compete in the online space by creating customer focused content. I really enjoy teaching and helping business understand what to do and how to promote their businesses in the online space
Rosemary O Shaughnessy