Podcast Making Your Networking Successful with Carol Harris
NETWORKING -Making Your Networking Successful
Making Your Networking Successful – in this week’s podcast, I speak to Carol Harris who is the author of Networking for Success 2nd Edition about her book.
Over the last 30 years, she has taught vital business skills to help a business grow. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personal Development and a Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Consultants. Carol was also was a Director of the Arts Council of Great Britain.
It is important to help businesses grow through contacts and associations
Learn from people get support and build new contacts.
Networking is usually inexpensive
How to network effectively
Have a strategy
What results do you want to achieve with your networking
Be selective with how you spend your time and what events to attend.
Choose networking groups that fit with your interests and what you do
Networking its very important to schedule a time and follow up on your contacts.
As the saying goes the fortune can be in the follow-up.
Speak within your comfort zone and skills that you will have the confidence to speak about.
Be prepared, about what you are going to speak about.
Pick two to three things to speak about.
Be calm, breathe and take a pause if you need to think.
If you do not know something, tell someone, that you will get back to them about the question after you double-check.
Ask questions they get attention.
Questions can open conversations.
Listen do not just talk.
Carols Recommendations for Business to Thrive
Do what motivates you
Use your time wisely
Learn new skills
Improve your systems
Remember with the online world it is easy to do business local and global
Making Networking Useful
Rosemary O’Shaughnessy