Don’t Let Dyslexia Hold You Back!
Don’t Let Dyslexia Hold You Back?
Don’t Let Dyslexia Hold You Back.- In this week’s Podcast, I speak to Suzy Taylor a specialist in the Dyslexic field who is also an active Blogger and inter alia we discuss challenges and resources in marketing.
Time management
How dyslexia can be overwhelming
Organizations that can help adults and children
How technology can compensate for writing slower when you are a Dyslexic
How technology can help when using more complex written language in a professional setting
Also considered is managing criticism and not letting it hold you back as a blogger or online marketer.
“Being dyslexic can actually help in the outside world. I see some things clearer than other people do because I have to simplify things to help me and that has helped others.. (Richard Branson)
Don’t Let Dyslexia Hold You Back – Listen To the Podcast
Don’t Let Dyslexia Hold You Back –
Resources recommended by Suzy
Suzy has kindly supplied the following list of just some resources to research!
LINKED IN: Are you just on it or actually using it to your advantage?
Profile Training
The Foundations of Your Account
LinkedIn For Jobseekers
Learn to stand out from the crowd.
Promoting Your Account
Learn How to Promote & Manage.