Digital skills decline in 2020/2021?

Digital skills decline in 2020/2021?

Digital Skills Decline between 2020 & 2021

Apparently there has been a digital skills decline in 2020 and 2021 according to a recent report.

Marketing your business online is not as straightforward as many would have you believe because as we all know there are no magic one-click solutions,  there are a lot of moving parts involved whether we like it or not, and platforms change or innovate or indeed go out of fashion all the time.

 In the context of digital skills, my own Hubspot certification was about to become outdated back in December so I  embarked upon resitting the various exams so that my certificates could be updated. Obviously a painful experience on one level but very rewarding on another in that yes I learnt more than I imagined. The point is that ongoing education is simply necessary. 

Therefore I noticed and read with interest an article from marketing because what caught my attention was the following subheading from the piece: 

“New research from the Chartered Institute of Marketing suggests marketers are failing to keep up as marketing technologies and social media platforms innovate “at pace”.

They go on to note:

“Marketers’ abilities in key digital skills have either stagnated or declined between 2020 and 2021 at all levels of seniority, according to new research”.

The article is based upon a study, conducted by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and training body Target Internet And makes interesting reading and you can view the article through the link below:

My Take on this Digital Skills Decline

I think it is fair to say that many businesses out there need to update their digital skills. I believe in content marketing and as noted in the report:

Content marketing experienced the second-biggest decline, down 4% to a score of 24%, followed by social media, which drops 2% to 32%. Three-quarters of marketers fall into the lowest two quintiles for content marketing.

The internet is “content” – if your website has little content on it of interest to your target audience -why stick around? If you need any help contact me.

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