Podcast – Thinking of Writing a Book?

Podcast – Thinking of Writing a Book?

Thinking of Writing a Book-an Interview with Karen Brown Coach/Author & Publisher

Are you thinking of writing a book this year? Or maybe an Ebook or authoritative white paper.

Like lots of things in life, it sounds easy but like most things, there are lots of moving parts involved too.

 There are lots of potential budding authors out there and I was delighted therefore to interview in this week’s Podcast- Karen Brown who is a coach, author and publisher.

Karen has self-published nearly 100 books on Amazon and helps people and budding authors to self-publish.

We discuss:

  • being clear about the project
  • who you are writing for
  • time frames involved
  • the importance of proofreading, book covers and more

Check the Podcast Out Below


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Download Karens FREE Ebook

Karen has kindly given me access to one of her ebooks which you can download FREE below.

I specialise in helping Businesses who provide services , professionals , freelancers, health , wellness, local and  Startups.  Designing , Creating and  Managing  WordPress Sites. Presenting online workshops 1 to 1 training on zoom. Creating digital content blog posts , social video , social graphics and much more. The focus of my business is to help business to compete in the online space by creating customer focused content. I really enjoy teaching and helping business understand what to do and how to promote their businesses in the online space

Rosemary O Shaughnessy

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