Problems sleeping? Listen to this

Problems sleeping? Listen to this

 Why problems sleeping needs a solution-focused approach?

An Interview with Janet Adams a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist.


During this Podcast I had a really interesting chat about the importance of “sleep” with Janet Adams a Hypnotherapist who is physically based in Belfast but also practices virtually as well.

Janet speaks about the importance of quality sleep to be at our best which is obviously very important for business owners.

  • Are you running a business-stressed- and finding it difficult to sleep?
  • Janet discussed how she offers a solution-focused approach to this challenge.
  • We discuss how to get help and commit to solve this challenge

Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep or REMS) is a unique phase of sleep it reduces anxiety, which is so important for any of us  running a business.

If we are calm we usually make good or better decisions.

In the Podcast we discuss

  • How to manage challenges that could affect your sleeping
  • How to relax
  • How good quality sleep helps us have energy which is so important for running a business
  • How we need sleep for brain and mental health
  • Our brains reboot after we sleep.
  • Lack of sleep is even linked to weight gain.

Speaking to Janet people of all ages can have challenges with sleep, from business people to mothers, teenagers, and children



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Janet Adams Contact Details


Whilst based in Belfast Janet can help any client remotely so

Visit Janet’s, website to learn more about how she helps her clients.




I specialise in helping Businesses who provide services , professionals , freelancers, health , wellness, local and  Startups.  Designing , Creating and  Managing  WordPress Sites. Presenting online workshops 1 to 1 training on zoom. Creating digital content blog posts , social video , social graphics and much more. The focus of my business is to help business to compete in the online space by creating customer focused content. I really enjoy teaching and helping business understand what to do and how to promote their businesses in the online space

Rosemary O Shaughnessy

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