Podcast New Food Varieties in Ireland

Podcast New Food Varieties in Ireland

 Interview with an Entrepreneur Shalom Osiadi Who wants to bring New Food Varieties into the Irish Market.

Who doesn’t love food varieties being available to them?.

Showing my age I recall my delight as a young girl having my first pizza because back then pizza was a complete novelty here in Ireland. Then later on when i travelled learning the delights of international food.

Our society has since radically changed in Ireland and it’s fair to say we now have a diverse ethnic populace.

Many of us are open to food experimentation, especially since we have experimented with food in our foreign travels and holidays.

Therefore I was delighted to interview  Shalom Osiadi-Director of Go digital, Choose Esca who is launching an online platform to bring food variety to the Irish public through ethnic foods being cooked locally.

He plans to launch this online platform that allows people to improve their cooking skills and sell their produce whilst allowing the public to benefit by being able to buy diverse food choices from the platform- (delivered to them).

Learn all about the platform in the Podcast where!

  • Shalom explains what it’s all about
  • How cooks can join the platform
  • How it will work for the public
  • Safeguards for the public
  • And more…..

Incidentally, there is a Beta Offer – Any home cook, chef, or baker who would like to join the platform can sign up on the website for free between now and the 31st of March 2021.

Shalom is also running a crowdfunding campaign at the moment to help with his marketing costs- LINK HERE



-Contact Details:

      Website: www.escamenu.com
       Email: shalom@escamenu.com
       Phone: +353 834472434


I specialise in helping Businesses who provide services , professionals , freelancers, health , wellness, local and  Startups.  Designing , Creating and  Managing  WordPress Sites. Presenting online workshops 1 to 1 training on zoom. Creating digital content blog posts , social video , social graphics and much more. The focus of my business is to help business to compete in the online space by creating customer focused content. I really enjoy teaching and helping business understand what to do and how to promote their businesses in the online space

Rosemary O Shaughnessy

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