Make your Contact Details Simple when Networking

Make your Contact Details Simple when Networking

Make your contact details simple when networking

This podcast – make your contact details simple when networking – arises from the fact that I recently attended an online networking event and what happened caused me to reflect upon the importance of making your contact details user-friendly and as simple as possible.

This networking event was well run and set up. Part of the process was that attendees apart from being given the opportunity to pitch their services were also offered the opportunity to have their contact details published online afterwards which represented some free marketing for all attendees.

As part of my interaction during the event, I was interested in researching more the services being offered by a person I will fictionally call Mary. 

During the process of interacting, I inquired if I could have her contact details and was advised “it’s all in my QR code”. 

Personally, I hate QR codes and never took to them at all. Maybe it is because years ago they were heavily pushed by internet marketers who were trying to lead us to believe that your online world would come to an end without them which is of course nonsense. 

The point is – because Mary introduced this level of complexity forcing me to use a tool I hate and do not use – I lost interest immediately.

All I was looking for were simple links to her LinkedIn account and website not the hassle as far as I am concerned of being forced to use a QR code.

Following the event my subconscious was analyzing these facts when low and behold I noticed that most of the attendees had their contact details and core services listed online. Looked Good!

 Guess what entry was missing?

 Mary’s details/ QR code. Yet again the point is that the rest of us benefited far far more than she did. I appreciate that there are fans of QR codes but I suggest sometimes simplicity is best.



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I specialise in helping service providers compete and grow online. Helping small business owners to learn what they have to learn to make use of the digital world. I can Design, Create and/or  Manage a  WordPress Site for you. 
I am a Canva Champion. 
I offer online workshops & 1 to 1 training on Zoom. My focus is to help you/ or teach you (or key staff)  to compete in the online space by creating customer-focused digital content. I will help you to glue together all the various bits so that your business can promote itself online successfully.

  Rosemary O’Shaughnessy

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Podcast Online Business Networking

Podcast Online Business Networking

 Online Business Networking – An Interview with an Expert


Online Business Networking moving into 2021 has probably never mattered for businesses as much as it does now because in large part because of COVID 19-social distancing-lockdowns and what not.

Zoom is no longer a word for geeks!. It is mainstream.

The pandemic has meant that when it comes to business networking there has been little option but to pursue online business networking.

The mindset has changed from meeting in the flesh to meeting virtually. It has its advantages too.

Therefore I was delighted to have the opportunity to interview an expert in the online networking space.

In this podcast, I interview Lady Adey who is an online expert in the world of online business networking as well as being an author and publisher, and motivational speaker. Along with her daughter, they have written over 10 books, individually and together, with many more books published for other authors.

In this interview, we discuss business networking and how to use business networking effectively online in 2021. We discuss among other things how to use Zoom effectively and its chat feature.


Or Listen On These Platforms:

Online Business Networking Expert

You can also You can visit Lady Adey’s website at  https://www.ladeyadey.com/.

Tools discussed in the Online Business Networking Podcast.


You can DOWNLOAD A FREE TEMPLATE provided by Lady Adey at the link below:

Networking Balanced Scorecard TEMPLATE

Another FREE RESOURCE you can download (provided by Lady Adey):


I specialise in helping Businesses who provide services , professionals , freelancers, health , wellness, local and  Startups.  Designing , Creating and  Managing  WordPress Sites. Presenting online workshops 1 to 1 training on zoom. Creating digital content blog posts , social video , social graphics and much more. The focus of my business is to help business to compete in the online space by creating customer focused content. I really enjoy teaching and helping business understand what to do and how to promote their businesses in the online space

Rosemary O Shaughnessy



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